This year I don't really want too many things. I have put together a top six list of things someone could get me or do for me. So for my friends and family this will really help you!
1. Get my MacBook fixed or even a new to me Macbook (this is the most expensive but don't worry the rest aren't)
2. Homemade gift- anything from an ornament to a piece of jewelry to a painting. I love when someone makes me a gift or a homemade card. These are one of a kind items and I think that is what makes me love them the most!
3. Donate to http://www.isfoundation.com/ . This is a foundation that Ian Somerhalder has started on his birthday that happens to be today actually. The IS Foundation aims to empower, educate & collaborate with people & projects to positively impact the planet and its creatures.
4. Donate to http://www.crowdrise.com/austinnichols or http://www.crowdrise.com/sophiabush Austin Nichols' and Sophia Bush are raising money to help the Gulf. This is a cause close to my heart because I am from Biloxi, MS which is on the Gulf and was effected by the oil. So please donate to one of them.
5. You could do one of the following to support Catch a Dream: monetary contributions, in-kind contributions (services or goods), or by purchasing products from companies that donate a portion of their sales to us like our friends at Foxy Huntress. To learn more about Catch a Dream please go to http://catchadream.org/learn/index.html
6. Donate to any Charity such as St. Jude Children's Research , Adopt an Angel Tree little boy or girl to help out a family in your area, Adpot a family in your area that is less forunate than you, help at a Soup Kitchen, there are so many many more charities and good causes and ways you can get out there and help. Donate if you have the money to, but if you don't then get up and get out there and help in your own community.
So that's it, that's what I want. I hope this has helped my friends and family with picking out my gifts this year.
Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful day!