Thursday, May 28, 2009
My Mom, Betsy, is the best Mom ever! I am so glad, fortunate, and blessed that she is mine. Today I was even happier than normal that she was my Mom. We were going out to eat at Hamil's in Madison for some of her co-workers birthdays. There was a LONG line and we were towards the front when a guy came in pushing a guy in a wheel chair. My mom told the guy that he shouldn't have to wait in line. To which the guy replied I don't think we can skip in line. So my Mom went to the front of the line and asked the ladies at the cash register if the guy in the wheel chair could go to the front of the line. The lady said no and so my Mom being my Mom asked if it was ok if they went in front of our group. And of course everyone said it was fine. I was so proud of my Mom for going out of her way to help someone else out. She does work for the MS Dept. of Rehab so she works with disabled people all the time, but still it was a very nice thing to do for a stranger. That's why I love my Mom because she is the best example. She does stuff for people that she doesn't know just to be nice. She is the sweetest, most kind woman. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful, loving Mom. THANKS FOR BEING YOU MOM, I LOVE YOU!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a MUST read for anyone. He has books for married couples, singles, and teens. He explains what the 5 love languages are and why you should know your own as well as everyone else you know. The 5 love languages are Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. My primary love language is Quality Time but I also like Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. This information will help me in all my relationships not just my romantic ones. It is also important to speak all 5 languages because everyone speaks a different one, which means everyone feels loved in different ways. My best friend and I actually speak the same love languages which is probably why we get along so well. We both give each other what the other needs. I recommend going out and buying a copy of this book. You can get it at Barnes and Noble, Lifeway, and Borders. It can help you in every aspect of your life.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ok so I'm sure everyone has at least one nickname. Well I have about a million: Punk, Ebo, El Bodin, Besa, Bodin, Lizzie Lou, Sugar, Ebodin, Liz, Lizzie, Laz, Little Betsy, Tin Lizzie, Middle Bodin, Hey You, Christina(people get me and my sister confused), the twins cousin, Michael Bodin's sister, Christina's sister, Flirt, Po-tater, 4 eyes, Miss Gulf Coast(my teacher called me that, I never was Miss Gulf Coast), etc... I have an easy name to shorten and everyone likes to invent a new nick name for me. I honestly don't mind most of my nick names I actually like them. But there are some that just make me mad because I have a name and it's not Michael Bodin's sister or Christina's sister. I don't mind if people say that the first time they meet me but after that they should call me by my name or a shortened version, ya know. Most people think because my nick name is Punk that I dress all punk rock and stuff, but it has nothing to do with that. It all started not long after I started my job at Hightower. I called Kelly a "punk" for some reason, who knows why, and she said "I'm not the punk you are" and BAM now everyone calls me Punk. I doubt anyone at work actually calls me by my real name anymore, but we do have 2 Elizabeth's up here so it makes it easier to tell who they are talking about.
One of my favorite teachers in High School Coach Curley had a ton of nick names for me. I had known him for years before he was my teacher. He invented nick names for everyone in his classes. So he called me Tin Lizzie, 4 eyes, Miss Gulf Coast, and many more I'm sure. I didn't mind most of them but I didn't like 4 eyes too much. I didn't understand Tin Lizzie at first but I googled it one day and found out it was in reference to the Ford Model T, it was an automobile that was produced by Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company from 1908 through 1927. "Lizzie" was a contemporary slang word used to describe a reliable servant. Which for all of you I am not a servant but I am reliable. ;) He also called me Miss Gulf Coast because I was born in Biloxi, MS, which is on the MS Gulf Coast, and my whole extended family lives down there. We moved to Central MS when I was in the 4th grade.
I could go on and on about how I received all my nicknames but I will spare you. Have a great day all!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Zoey is a 2 year old salt and pepper miniature schnauzer. She is one of my parents dog, Belle's puppies. Zoey became mine because she was the last to walk and we thought something was wrong with her legs. Now she runs faster than her mom, so there is definitely nothing wrong with her. She is my protector if anyone comes in the house or tries to come near me when I walk her she barks her head off at them. She knows that she is suppose to protect me from everyone. But she is the sweetest dog. When I come home she greets me like she hasn't seen my in days or weeks instead of just a few hours. She rarely licks which I like! She is my best friend and I am so glad that she's mine.
Then there's Lucky Charm. He's a 4 year old solid black cat with the most beautiful green eyes. Sometimes his eyes look like human eyes which scares me in the middle of the night. He has been there for me since I was in college and I thought he was a girl. He's my baby man! I got him de-balled and de-clawed at the same time so he is a strictly inside cat who would rather be outside(the punk, if only he knew how good he has it). He is the friendliest cat you will ever meet. He loves people, and shows it by rubbing on them and then flipping over on his back so they can scratch his stomach. He's only "mean" to me because I play rough with him. He's my best friend and takes care of my when I'm sad. He gives me the best "kisses" except they are always in the middle of the night and he wakes me up, the punk! But I love him anyway.
I LOVE my pets to death and am so happy that they are mine, all mine.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I think this applies to all my past relationships. I think guys in general like the idea of a girl like me, but then when they get to know me they decide that they aren’t good enough for me. Which actually really sucks. I’m so tired to being told that I’m too good! When will a guy “Man up” and be a man that deserves someone like me. I don’t play head games. I will admit when I’m wrong about something. I am pretty level headed. I hate drama in my life. I get along with most people. I am kinda picky about guys, but I know what I like and what I don’t like and I’m honest about it. I won’t lead anyone on. I honestly don’t understand why I can’t find a good guy. Almost every guy I’ve ever dated is married, not to say that I’ve dated a lot. Really only 2 long relationships all the others were only a few months long. So what’s wrong with me? Am I too good/nice/normal for guys? Do guys like drama in their lives and like to fight with their girlfriend? Do guys like things to be complicated? I don’t understand. One day I will find a guy that will be MAN enough to want to be with me forever. Until that day I guess I will have to kiss a few more frogs until I find my prince.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Then at 8:00 its Dancing With the Stars
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I have these beautiful roses that are climbing up my back deck. I absolutely love them! I love them more because I didn't do anything to them to grow. I probably should put some "Miracle Grow" on them or something but I don't. They looked so pretty last week when I took these pictures but when a little storm came through Saturday night/Sunday morning. I woke up to rose petals and leaves scattered all over my back yard(its really just a concrete but I can dream). Anyway here are the before pictures of my lovely roses. I didn't take any of the after because I was upset that they wouldn't look as pretty.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I have named my side business Circle T Ranch. I chose this name because it was my Papa T's ranch's name. He lived to be 100, only a few months shy of 101. His ranch doesn't exist anymore so I decided to take his name for my business. If you need business cards, note cards, invitations, logos, Memory DVD's or anything please let me know. I would be glad to make you anything. I will post a price list in the next few days along with some examples of my designs. My email address for Circle T Ranch is